
Specialist in metals for the bar turning industry in Scionzier

Metal specialist for turning industry

Round, hexagonal, square, all forms are at your disposal to meet your needs…

In addition to all these standards available in stock, we are able to supply other grades with specifications according to customer’s expectations.

metaux 1 - Metals - métaux, outillages, lubrifiant, filtres à air pour le décolletage à Scionzier Haute-Savoie

Turning steels

Turning steels are especially made to be machined with high productivity.

Used in many areas of production for long series, turning steel content sulfur and other elements like tellurium, bismuth and lead to improve machinability.

Especially sulfur helps to brake ships and lead intends to reduce the friction between the tool and the metal: both does improve lifetime of tooling and productivity. Bismuth and tellurium can be added to amplify gain of productivity.

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Special steels

Special steels for different usages in various industrial areas to satisfy specific requirements to many costumers.

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metaux 2 - Metals - métaux, outillages, lubrifiant, filtres à air pour le décolletage à Scionzier Haute-Savoie
metaux 3 - Metals - métaux, outillages, lubrifiant, filtres à air pour le décolletage à Scionzier Haute-Savoie


Available in desired forms for various applications…

we supply a lot of companies everywhere in France, in non-ferrous metals like aluminum for manufacturing of precision parts.

We propose our aluminum alloys in different formats.

In addition to these standards, we are able to provide other grades with specifications according to costumer’s expectations.

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Brass and copper alloy

Different shapes like round, hexagonal, square bars, tubes and profiles

We supply many companies everywhere in France, in non-ferrous metals like copper or brass to produce precision pieces. We propose our copper alloys in different forms.

Among others, materials come from:

  • M.LEGO

In addition to all these standards available in stock, we are able to deliver other grades with specifications according to customer’s expectations.

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metaux 4 - Metals - métaux, outillages, lubrifiant, filtres à air pour le décolletage à Scionzier Haute-Savoie
metaux 5 - Metals - métaux, outillages, lubrifiant, filtres à air pour le décolletage à Scionzier Haute-Savoie

Stainless steels

Round, hexagonal, square, all forms are at your disposal to meet your needs…

We supply many companies with stainless steels everywhere in France, for the manufacturing of precision parts.

Our stainless steels come from:

  • Acerinox
  • Klein company
  • European mills only

In addition to all these standards available in stock, we are able to supply other grades with specifications according to customer’s expectations.

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Stock on sale

Round, hexagonal, square, all forms are at your disposal to meet your needs…

We have in stock several lots on sale with attractive prices:

  • Steel.
  • Special alloys.
  • Aluminum.
  • Arcap.
  • Bronze.
  • Aluminum copper.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Brass.
  • Plastic.
List and data sheets
outil dormer - Metals - métaux, outillages, lubrifiant, filtres à air pour le décolletage à Scionzier Haute-Savoie

Our suppliers

To answer in the best way we work closely in trust with reliable suppliers and partners which answer with the same level of requirements. It is for you the guaranty of premium products and services

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